2024-09-07 22:06:55(星期六)
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      中国合唱协会是由中央社会工作部领导党的工作,文化和旅游部作为业务指导,民政部注册登记的国家一级社会团体。协会下设 8 个工作(专业)委员会,分别是“艺术工作委员会”“合唱指挥专业委员会”“创作专业委员会”“青少年合唱工作委员会”“童声合唱工作委员会”“群众合唱工作委员会”“中老年合唱工作委员会”“数字音乐工作委员会”。 


      中国合唱协会成立以来,在原中共中央政治局委员、常委、国务院副总理李岚清,原文化部代部长周巍峙,原中国文联主席李凌,原中国音乐家协会主席李焕之的大力支持下, 严良堃、马革顺、方堃、方菘甫、田玉斌、吴祖强、李华德、 杨鸿年、周荫昌、尚德义、秋里、胡德风、唐江、聂中明、 萧白、谢忆生、黄飞立、谭林等老一辈艺术家,团结带领全国的合唱工作者、合唱爱好者为中国合唱事业的发展做出巨大贡献。 


     中国合唱协会于 2023 年 10 月召开第九届会员代表大会。 大会选举产生了理事、常务理事、秘书长以上负责人,选举马俊英担任第九届中国合唱协会理事长。 

     中国合唱协会第九届理事会将充分发扬协会的优良传统,以学习贯彻习近平文化思想为第一方略,不断增强协会的向心力;以服务合唱事业发展为第一责任,不断增强协会的凝聚力;以培养合唱精英为第一要务,不断增强协会的锻造力;以提升社会责任为第一目标,不断增强协会 的号召力; 以加强组织建设为第一保障,不断增强协会的执行力。 

     面向新时代的崭新未来,中国合唱协会将不忘初心、牢记使命,坚持与时代同步伐 ,坚持以精品奉献人民,坚持以明德引领风尚,举旗帜、聚民心、育新人、兴文化、展形象, 弘扬社会主义核心价值观,砥砺奋进,为实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦,把我国建成社会主义现代化强国不懈奋斗!

    China Chorus Association is a state-level social organization registered with the Ministry of Civil Affairs, under the leadership of the Social Work Department of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee in terms of Party affairs and the operational guidance of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism. The association has eight working (professional) committees, namely, the Artistic Working Committee, Choral Conducting Professional Committee, Music Production Professional Committee, Youth Chorus Working Committee, Children’s Chorus Working Committee, People’s Chorus Working Committee, Middle-aged and Seniors’ Chorus Working Committee, and Digital Music Working Committee.  

    China Chorus Association follows the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, and applies a people-centered philosophy to ensure that art is created to serve the interests of the people. Guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Culture, the association develops advanced socialist culture, promotes revolutionary culture, and carries forward fine traditional Chinese culture. In doing so, it aims to meet people’s ever-growing intellectual and cultural needs, consolidate a shared intellectual foundation for the whole Party and all Chinese people to strive in unity, and continuously grow China’s cultural soft power and the appeal of Chinese culture.    

      China Chorus Association organizes a wide range of chorus events to encourage public participation and improve musical skills, carries out choral programs among Chinese people of all ethnic groups by exploring, collecting, arranging, and orchestrating outstanding Chinese folk music, and promotes exchanges of choral art at home and abroad. Through these efforts, it hopes to contribute to advancing people’s well-rounded development, championing advanced culture, building a harmonious society, and promoting the prosperity of socialist culture.
     Since its establishment, with the support of Li Lanqing, former member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, former member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of CPC Central Committee and former Vice Premier of the State Council, Zhou Weizhi, former Acting Minister of Culture, Li Ling, former President of the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles, and Li Huanzhi, former President of the China Musicians Association, established artists including Yan Liangkun, Ma Geshun, Fang Kun, Fang Songfu, Tian Yubin, Wu Zuqiang, Li Huade, Yang Hongnian, Zhou Yinchang, Shang Deyi, Qiu Li, Hu Defeng, Tang Jiang, Nie Zhongming, Xiao Bai, Xie Yisheng, Huang Feili, and Tan Lin have played a leading role in working together with both professionals and amateurs to contributing to choral music in China.
     China Chorus Association has initiated or hosted various authoritative, guiding, exemplary, and high-level chorus events in China, including China Chorus Festival, China International Chorus Festival, The Glory Forever - Chinese Seniors’ Chorus Festival, China Children's Chorus Festival, Chinese Folk Song Choir Festival, National Teachers’ Chorus Festival, and Voice of Beijing Chorus Concert.
     At the Ninth Membership Assembly held in October 2023, China Chorus Association elected its leadership positions, including directors, managing directors, secretary-general, and the ninth President Ma Junying.
     The Ninth Council of China Chorus Association will continue to carry forward its fine traditions. It will enhance the unity of members by gaining a deep understanding of Xi Jinping Thought on Culture and acting on it. With a strong sense of responsibility in pursuing chorus development, the association will strengthen a cohesive culture. Taking talent development as the top priority, it will redouble its efforts to become a better incubator. With taking on more social responsibilities as the main objective, the association will constantly enhance its impact. By building up the strength of the organization, it will improve its execution capability.
     To usher in a brighter future in the new era, China Chorus Association will continue to stay true to its founding mission, keep pace with the times, deliver high-quality musical works to our people, and serve as a trendsetter with virtue. It will focus on upholding socialism with Chinese characteristics, rallying public support, fostering a new generation of talents, boosting cultural prosperity, and better presenting China to the world. It will keep practicing core socialist values, forging ahead with perseverance and resolve, and striving to advance national rejuvenation and build China into a great modern socialist country!

联系地址:北京市东城区朝阳门内大街甲55号525室      邮编:100010
联系人:刘燕、石磊         电话:010-64276240 010-64289973(传真)
手机:15101521627        协会邮箱:cca135@sina.com
京ICP备13048707号-1     中国合唱协会 版权所有    技术支持:惠友科技
